Thursday, July 15, 2010


I've just finished a few projects, so I'm going to be posting a bit more frequently over the next week or two. The most recent dream job that I finished was a book design for author, Sandy Johnson. She wrote a 250 page memoir that I got to design the interior and exterior of. I've posted the cover and some of the spreads. To see more, please visit my website at

To purchase, visit

Seriously, dream job. Wish I could just make all my money doing this, and only this.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Seems as though I'm updating once a month now. Good for me, way to stay on top of things. I guess it's because I haven't been doing small things as much - mostly been working on longer term projects / bumming around. A combination of both.

In GREAT news : I finally got my website up! is now the official site of my portfolio. I still need to figure a few things out such as nicer margins and some overall better spacing, but I'm going to need a web nerd for that. The whole process was a nightmare. I successfully rerouted my website to itself, destroyed the html, had the wrong things talking to each other, talked to godaddy every other day for 2 weeks, at least 5 times a day. Nightmare. However, the worst is over, and I finally have something to direct potential clients to. Fewf.

So, the visual candy I have for you here are some icons I developed for this project I'm working on with Big New Ideas. (, check it out) It was going to be used for pattern development, but we decided to go in another direction. I'm not usually an icon lady, in fact, I have a really difficult time with it, but I had fun with these... putting them into the different circles, creating wacky characters. Plus, it's fun to relearn illustrator.